Freshman Academy

Freshman Academy is a small learning community where teachers, students, and parents work closely together to immerse all freshmen into our school community, ensuring all students have a successful transition into high school.

Welcome Class of 2027!

Click here to view the EPCHS transition lessons. There will be two new lessons every week until the start of school.

Our Philosophy

Every student comes to high school with unique experiences, interests and learning styles. Our goal is to truly know our students and use this knowledge to guide, support and motivate them. We believe good teaching requires continual professional development, personal reflection and collaboration. We value parent involvement and encourage parents to work with us to give students the most powerful learning experience possible.

Student Expectations

We have high expectations for the students in our freshman academy. We expect the students to achieve academically to their fullest potential. We expect students to contribute in a positive manner to our classrooms. We expect students to behave in a manner that upholds the 6 key characteristics of every Raider. Respect Attitude Integrity Desire Enthusiasm Responsibility

Centralized Classes

Most core classes (math, science, English, and health) are located in the “Freshman Academy” hallway on the third floor. High School 101 classes are located on the second floor. Elective courses are located throughout the building in which freshman will be in class with students of all grade levels.

High School 101

HS 101 is designed to teach students skills they need to master to be academically successful in high school. These include learning basic computer literacy (Word, Excel, Power-point,…), communication skills, test taking and study skills, time management, choices and consequences, and the ability to explore careers that are of interest to them.

Reading & Writing Strategies

This course is designed to provide struggling readers and writers additional support to improve reading comprehension, fluency, and writing skills. Reading and writing strategies will be taught using a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts such as magazine/news articles, short stories, poetry and a possible novel study. Units are designed to build reading comprehension skills in order for students to be successful and confident readers in their core classes.  The focus on writing is to build grammar, structural, organizational and research skills to make students more proficient writers in their core classes where writing might be integrated.

Link Crew

Link Crew is a chosen group of upperclassman who attend training on developing leadership skills. Link Crew leaders have approximately 3-5 students they mentor throughout the school year, with a focus more during the first nine weeks. Link Crew leaders do their best in helping freshman have a positive experience with their transition to high school.