
Acceptable Forms of Residency For EPCHS Registration:

One Document required from Category I:

1. Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment

2. Mortgage papers

3. Signed, dated lease & proof of last month's payment

Two documents required from Category II:

1. Driver's License

2. Vehicle registration

3. Voter reigstration

4. Recent cable t.v. and/or credit card statement within the past 60 days

5. Current public aid card within the past 60 days

6. Current homeowners/renters insurance within the past 30 days

Registration Help

If you're needing assistance with online registration call or email Julie Beeney at 309-694-8321  jbeeney@ep309. If you're having trouble logging into Skyward or need technical help with registration, call or email Dan Dimitroff at 309-694-8337

Updating Your Parent Portal in Skyward

Other Important Info for starting at EPCHS!

Student Semester Final Exam Information

Click here for final exam schedules, FAQs, and exemption rules.

EPCHS Clubs, Sports, and Activities

In this packet, you will find information regarding sports, clubs, and other activities that EPCHS offers to our students. EPCHS has much to offer to help create a rich, fulfilling high school experience! We encourage all students to please get involved! Click here to view the Activities packet.

Homeless Program: McKinney-Vento

If you and your children are in a temporary living situation, your children have the right to...

·Stay in the school of origin or choose the attendance area school where you are moving.

·Receive transportation to and from your school of origin.

·Immediately enroll in school, with or without school or health records.

·Get free lunch and school fee waivers.

You and your children are eligible for these rights if you...

·Share housing with others because of loss of housing, economic need or domestic violence.

·Live in a shelter or motel.

·Live in a campground, park, car or abandoned building.

·Are without a permanent address.

For further assistance of information contact:

Justin Hamilton: Truancy Officer/Homeless Liaison


Illinois Homeless Education Program Hotline
